Hi! I'm Guillermo Gutierrez and I'm a software developer working at DNSimple.


The joy of composable matchers

GitHub Deployment stats

Adapting testing practices to OLAP systems

Continuous learning and the antifragile mindset

Understanding technical debt

Refactoring is spelled T E S T

Legacy software and Grey-box testing

Evaluating downsampling algorithms

Research - Fishy Business: estimating the impact of irregular and unsustainable fishing of distant-water fishing fleets in Ecuador, Ghana, Peru, the Philippines and Senegal


Legacy software and Grey-box Microtest TDD


Research - Electronic Data Management for Vaccine Trials in Low Resource Settings: Upgrades, Scalability, and Impact of ODK


Largest Triangle downsampling library for Java 8

Research - China’s distant-water fishing fleet Scale, impact and governance


Post - Indirection without abstraction — An example

Research - Western Africa’s Missing Fish